Johann Valentin ZiegenfussDescendancy listGeneration 1 Johann Valentin Ziegenfuss (20 Àâãóñò 1663 - 18 Äåêàáðü 1723) Generation 2 Johannes Ziegenfuss (16 Èþíü 1704 - 1 Ìàðò 1786) son of Johann Valentin Ziegenfuss and Anna Margrit Weissenstein Generation 3 Philipp Ziegenfuss (10 Îêòÿáðü 1730 - 27 Ìàé 1783) son of Johannes Ziegenfuss and Martha Elisabeth Kirchberg Generation 4 Anna Maria Christina Ziegenfus (13 Ôåâðàëü 1774 - 4 Àâãóñò 1849) daughter of Philipp Ziegenfuss and Anna Catharina Meinhardt Generation 5 Christian Montag (28 Íîÿáðü 1797 - 23 Àïðåëü 1875) son of Anna Maria Christina Ziegenfus and Baltersar Montag Generation 6 Maria Therese Montag (30 Ìàðò 1828) daughter of Christian Montag and Maria Elisabeth Bode Generation 7 Josefa Agatha Beck (25 Íîÿáðü 1864 - 16 ßíâàðü 1955) daughter of Maria Therese Montag and Michael Beck Generation 8 Helene Hofmann (4 Ìàðò 1900 - 26 Èþíü 1987) daughter of Josefa Agatha Beck and Michael Hofmann Generation 9 Gertrud Wiesenmüller daughter of Helene Hofmann and Georg Wiesenmüller Generation 10 Michael Sauer son of Gertrud Wiesenmüller and Heinz Sauer