Thomas Cave

Color men/women :
Number of generations : Individual settings :
Child/Children with Mary Smith (7 June 1698 - 27 May 1749)
Show ascendancy tree John Cave (17 May 1719 - 1724)
Show ascendancy tree Thomas Cave (14 May 1722 - about 1780)
Show ascendancy tree John Cave (24 June 1724 - about 1770)
Show ascendancy tree Sarah Cave (23 April 1727 - 2 February 1769)
Thomas Cave
( ?/about/1670 - ?/about/1730 )
Voir liste de descendance Thomas Cave
( 29/September/1695 - 02/December/1758 )
Martha Cave
( ?/about/1670 - ?/about/1730 )