Henry Spencer

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Child/Children with Elizabeth Young (March 1807 - March 1850)
Show ascendancy tree Foster Spencer (1 March 1829 - about 1914)
Show ascendancy tree Oliver Spencer (11 August 1826 - 27 March 1910)
Show ascendancy tree Job Spencer (1841 - March 1910)
Show ascendancy tree Charlotte Spencer (11 March 1838 - about 1900)
Show ascendancy tree Sarah Ann Spencer (about 1847 - about 1900)
Show ascendancy tree Lydia Spencer (17 March 1850 - 9 June 1850)
Show ascendancy tree Henry Spencer (10 June 1835 - about 1900)
Show ascendancy tree William Spencer
Show ascendancy tree William Spencer
  Mary Cooke
Show ascendancy tree Edward Spencer 
  Show ascendancy tree William Kirke
 Show ascendancy tree Alice Kirke
  Jane Bryan
Voir liste de descendance Henry Spencer
  Matthew Green
Show ascendancy tree Sarah Green 
Mary Wild