Diana Rosemary BroomeAncestry listGeneration 1 Diana Rosemary Broome (April 1948 - 2008) Generation 2 Noel A Broome (June 1919 - 1989) father of Diana Rosemary Broome Mrs Ruth Broome mother of Diana Rosemary Broome Generation 3 Robert James Broome (March 1891 - 1979) father of Noel A Broome Mabel Abbey (about 1891 - 1964) mother of Noel A Broome Generation 4 Henry Moore Abbey (20 April 1856 - 15 May 1926) father of Mabel Abbey Sarah Dodd (15 October 1855 - 3 March 1947) mother of Mabel Abbey Generation 5 George Moore Abbey (28 October 1832 - 1 November 1859) father of Henry Moore Abbey Hannah Abbey (1831 - about 1900) mother of Henry Moore Abbey Samuel Dodd (about 1823 - 4 ? 1873) father of Sarah Dodd Elizabeth Thackray (9 May 1825 - March 1886) mother of Sarah Dodd Total of 11 people / 5 Generation (max=31)