Thomas Gilliver

Generation number Type of billing

Ancestry list

Generation 1
Thomas Gilliver (28 Äåêàáðü 1794 - 14 Àïðåëü 1859)

Generation 2
John Gilliver (23 Àïðåëü 1764 - î 1820) father of Thomas Gilliver
Jane Starkey (23 Àïðåëü 1761 - 9 Èþëü 1804) mother of Thomas Gilliver

Generation 3
Joseph Gilliver (12 Ôåâðàëü 1741 - î 1800) father of John Gilliver
Ann Roe (î 1730 - î 1790) mother of John Gilliver
William Starkey (î 1731 - î 1779) father of Jane Starkey
Jane Frith (î 1733 - î 1800) mother of Jane Starkey

Generation 4
James Gilliver (14 Äåêàáðü 1717 - 18 Íîÿáðü 1806) father of Joseph Gilliver
Hannah Gilliver (î 1720 - 19 ßíâàðü 1785) mother of Joseph Gilliver
Michael Frith (î 1685 - î 1769) father of Jane Frith
Elizabeth Leighs (î 1690 - î 1771) mother of Jane Frith

Generation 5
Joseph Gilliver (î 1690 - î 1750) father of James Gilliver
Wife (î 1690 - î 1750) mother of James Gilliver
Stephen Frith (î 1645 - î 1690) father of Michael Frith
Ann Frith (î 1656 - î 1700) mother of Michael Frith

Total of 15 people / 5 Generation (max=31)


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