Charles Spencer

Generation number Type of billing

Popis silazak

Generation 1
Charles Spencer (17 Travanj 1826 - prije 1851)

Generation 2
Charles Spencer (31 Srpanj 1803 - prije 1851) father of Charles Spencer
Martha Packwood (okruglo 1803 - okruglo 1860) mother of Charles Spencer

Generation 3
William Spencer (Svibanj 1764 - 16 Lipanj 1833) father of Charles Spencer
Ann Ward (okruglo 1767 - poslije 1833) mother of Charles Spencer

Generation 4
William Spencer (7 Travanj 1740 - 7 Siječanj 1781) father of William Spencer
Alice Kirke (17 Veljača 1739 - 1807) mother of William Spencer

Generation 5
William Spencer (1711 - Siječanj 1776) father of William Spencer
Mary Cooke (15 Kolovoz 1719 - 1798) mother of William Spencer
William Kirke (19 Veljača 1685 - okruglo 1754) father of Alice Kirke
Jane Bryan (okruglo 1709 - okruglo 1769) mother of Alice Kirke

Total of 11 people / 5 Generation (max=31)


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