John Hawcroft

Generation number Type of billing

Descendancy list

Generation 1
John Hawcroft (17 Lipanj 1724 - okruglo 1780)

Generation 2
Mary Hawcroft (15 Studeni 1747 - okruglo 1810) daughter of John Hawcroft i Mary Benson
John Hawcroft (10 Lipanj 1750 - okruglo 1810) son of John Hawcroft i Mary Benson

Generation 3
William Abbey (4 Ožujak 1770 - Rujan 1849) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
John Abbey (4 Travanj 1771 - Rujan 1846) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Duke Abbey (29 Ožujak 1773 - Ožujak 1838) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Elizabeth Abbey (6 Studeni 1775 - okruglo 1840) daughter of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Thomas Abbey (3 Kolovoz 1777 - Prosinac 1855) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Ann Abbey (30 Prosinac 1778 - okruglo 1840) daughter of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Joseph Abbey (26 Rujan 1780 - Prosinac 1844) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Mary Abbey (26 Rujan 1780 - okruglo 1840) daughter of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Sarah Abbey (30 Siječanj 1783 - 23 Studeni 1784) daughter of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Matthew Abbey (20 Siječanj 1785 - okruglo 1785) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Mart Abbey (20 Siječanj 1785 - okruglo 1785) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey
Luke Abbey (2 Ožujak 1787 - okruglo 1850) son of Mary Hawcroft i William Abbey

Generation 4
Ann Abbey (20 Siječanj 1802 - okruglo 1860) daughter of William Abbey i Hannah Foster
Mary Abbey (21 Veljača 1799 - okruglo 1860) daughter of John Abbey i Jane Lawson
Sarah Abbey (5 Svibanj 1801 - okruglo 1860) daughter of John Abbey i Jane Lawson
John Abbey (18 Ožujak 1804 - Ožujak 1870) son of John Abbey i Jane Lawson
William Abbey (11 Siječanj 1802 - Rujan 1849) son of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Ann Abbey (11 Lipanj 1804 - okruglo 1870) daughter of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Elizabeth Abbey (15 Travanj 1807 - okruglo 1870) daughter of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Mary Abbey (12 Studeni 1808 - okruglo 1870) daughter of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Thomas Abbey (21 Siječanj 1811 - Ožujak 1869) son of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Joseph Abbey (14 Veljača 1814 - okruglo 1880) son of Duke Abbey i Mary Campey
Hannah Abbey (18 Lipanj 1806 - okruglo 1870) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
John Abbey (11 Svibanj 1808 - okruglo 1870) son of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
Thomas Abbey (22 Svibanj 1811 - Ožujak 1868) son of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
Matthew Abbey (5 Veljača 1813 - Rujan 1873) son of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
Sarah Abbey (23 Rujan 1815 - okruglo 1880) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
Jane Abbey (14 Prosinac 1817 - Rujan 1837) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Rebecca Hague
Joseph Abbey (13 Veljača 1803 - okruglo 1860) son of Joseph Abbey i Sarah Sawyer
Thomas Abbey (22 Siječanj 1805 - okruglo 1870) son of Joseph Abbey i Sarah Sawyer
Mary Ann Abbey (29 Prosinac 1809 - okruglo 1870) daughter of Joseph Abbey i Mary Jackson
Sussana Abbey (16 Travanj 1814 - okruglo 1880) daughter of Joseph Abbey i Mary Jackson

Generation 5
Ann Abbey (18 Prosinac 1831 - 1841) daughter of John Abbey i Sarah Moore
George Moore Abbey (28 Listopad 1832 - 1 Studeni 1859) son of John Abbey i Sarah Moore
John Abbey (30 Ožujak 1834 - prije 1841) son of John Abbey i Sarah Moore
William Abbey (okruglo 1830 - Lipanj 1888) son of William Abbey i Elizabeth Abbey
Mary Abbey (17 Srpanj 1831 - Rujan 1849) daughter of William Abbey i Elizabeth Abbey
John Abbey (okruglo 1834 - okruglo 1900) son of William Abbey i Elizabeth Abbey
Thomas Abbey (okruglo 1835 - Rujan 1849) son of William Abbey i Mary Abbey
Elizabeth Abbey (okruglo 1839 - Rujan 1849) daughter of William Abbey i Elizabeth Abbey
Luke Abbey (okruglo 1842 - okruglo 1900) son of William Abbey i Elizabeth Abbey
Sarah Abbey (okruglo 1837) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Mrs Hannah Abbey
Mary Abbey (okruglo 1838) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Mrs Hannah Abbey
Emma Abbey (okruglo 1841) daughter of Thomas Abbey i Mrs Hannah Abbey
Thomas Smith (okruglo 1842 - okruglo 1900) son of Hannah Abbey i Robert Smith
John Smith (okruglo 1843 - okruglo 1900) son of Hannah Abbey i Robert Smith
Henry Smith (okruglo 1846 - okruglo 1900) son of Hannah Abbey i Robert Smith
Hannah Abbey (1831 - okruglo 1900) daughter of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
Thomas Abbey (okruglo 1836 - 28 Studeni 1920) son of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
Rebecca Abbey (okruglo 1838 - okruglo 1900) daughter of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
Joseph Pilkington Abbey (5 Travanj 1839 - Ožujak 1894) son of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
James Abbey (okruglo 1840 - okruglo 1900) son of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
Matthew Abbey (Lipanj 1842 - Lipanj 1842) son of Matthew Abbey i Mary Pilkington
George Oldridge Abbey (1 Travanj 1848 - 1 Listopad 1876) son of Matthew Abbey i Joanna Oldridge
John Abbey (okruglo 1850 - okruglo 1910) son of Matthew Abbey i Joanna Oldridge
William Arther Abbey (24 Rujan 1857 - 10 Srpanj 1884) son of Matthew Abbey i Joanna Oldridge
Frederick Robert Abbey (okruglo 1860 - okruglo 1920) son of Matthew Abbey i Joanna Oldridge
Alfred Abbey (okruglo 1862 - okruglo 1920) son of Matthew Abbey i Joanna Oldridge

Generation 6
Sarah Jane Abbey (15 Listopad 1854 - Prosinac 1860) daughter of George Moore Abbey i Hannah Abbey
Henry Moore Abbey (20 Travanj 1856 - 15 Svibanj 1926) son of George Moore Abbey i Hannah Abbey
Mary Abbey (okruglo 1858 - okruglo 1920) daughter of George Moore Abbey i Hannah Abbey
Thomas Abbey (okruglo 1835 - Rujan 1849) son of Mary Abbey i William Abbey
Sarah Jane Abbey (15 Listopad 1854 - Prosinac 1860) daughter of Hannah Abbey i George Moore Abbey
Henry Moore Abbey (20 Travanj 1856 - 15 Svibanj 1926) son of Hannah Abbey i George Moore Abbey
Mary Abbey (okruglo 1858 - okruglo 1920) daughter of Hannah Abbey i George Moore Abbey
Rebecca Smith (1867 - 1950) daughter of Hannah Abbey i James Smith
Sarah Smith (1868 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Hannah Abbey i James Smith
Emma Smith (1870 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Hannah Abbey i James Smith
Charles Smith (1872 - okruglo 1950) son of Hannah Abbey i James Smith
George Renton Smith Abbey (okruglo 1862 - okruglo 1930) son of Thomas Abbey i Emma Smith
Albert Ernest Abbey (okruglo 1868 - okruglo 1930) son of Thomas Abbey i Emma Smith
Fred Abbey (okruglo 1865 - okruglo 1930) son of Joseph Pilkington Abbey i Ann W Abbey
Rose Abbey (okruglo 1874 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Joseph Pilkington Abbey i Ann W Abbey
Mary Isabella Abbey (okruglo 1876 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Joseph Pilkington Abbey i Ann W Abbey
Louisa Abbey (okruglo 1876 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Joseph Pilkington Abbey i Ann W Abbey
Emily Abbey (okruglo 1881 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Joseph Pilkington Abbey i Ann W Abbey
John E Abbey (okruglo 1871 - okruglo 1930) son of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Herbert Abbey (okruglo 1873 - okruglo 1940) son of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Holly Abbey (okruglo 1875 - okruglo 1940) daughter of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
George E Abbey (okruglo 1877 - okruglo 1940) son of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Fred Abbey (okruglo 1879 - okruglo 1940) son of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Minnie Abbey (okruglo 1882 - okruglo 1960) daughter of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Alfred N Abbey (okruglo 1888 - okruglo 1960) son of John Abbey i Lydia Abbey
Alice E Abbey (okruglo 1890 - okruglo 1960) daughter of John Abbey i Mary Ann Abbey
William Abbey (5 Studeni 1878) son of William Arther Abbey i Susan Perry
Alfred Abbey (5 Rujan 1883) son of William Arther Abbey i Susan Perry
Florence Abbey (20 Studeni 1884) daughter of William Arther Abbey i Susan Perry

Generation 7
Gertrude Abbey (okruglo 1877 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Jane Elizabeth Abbey (okruglo 1879 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Alice Abbey (26 Siječanj 1881 - 10 Ožujak 1964) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Jesse Abbey (okruglo 1885 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Lillian Abbey (okruglo 1887 - 16 Kolovoz 1915) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
George Abbey (okruglo 1889 - okruglo 1960) son of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Evelyn Abbey (okruglo 1890 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Mabel Abbey (okruglo 1891 - 1964) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Elizabeth H Otley (okruglo 1886 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Belton John Otley (okruglo 1887 - Kolovoz 1919) son of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Henry Abbey Otley (okruglo 1888 - okruglo 1960) son of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Ruth Otley (okruglo 1890 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Gertrude Otley (1898 - okruglo 1970) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Gertrude Abbey (okruglo 1877 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Jane Elizabeth Abbey (okruglo 1879 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Alice Abbey (26 Siječanj 1881 - 10 Ožujak 1964) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Jesse Abbey (okruglo 1885 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Lillian Abbey (okruglo 1887 - 16 Kolovoz 1915) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
George Abbey (okruglo 1889 - okruglo 1960) son of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Evelyn Abbey (okruglo 1890 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Mabel Abbey (okruglo 1891 - 1964) daughter of Henry Moore Abbey i Sarah Dodd
Elizabeth H Otley (okruglo 1886 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Belton John Otley (okruglo 1887 - Kolovoz 1919) son of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Henry Abbey Otley (okruglo 1888 - okruglo 1960) son of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Ruth Otley (okruglo 1890 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Gertrude Otley (1898 - okruglo 1970) daughter of Mary Abbey i John Otley
Ethel Smith (1889 - okruglo 1970) daughter of Rebecca Smith i William Hobman
Laurence Earl (1887 - 1888) son of Sarah Smith i Charles Earl
Ellen Earl (1889 - 1965) daughter of Sarah Smith i Charles Earl
Alfred S Earl (1895) son of Sarah Smith i Charles Earl
Ruth Hannah Smith daughter of Charles Smith i Ruth Ann Matthews
Charles Smith (1902) son of Charles Smith i Ruth Ann Matthews
William Abbey (1908) son of Alfred Abbey i Agnes Maud Crowther
Alfred Abbey (1911) son of Alfred Abbey i Agnes Maud Crowther

Generation 8
Evelyn Jane Brown (1 Siječanj 1903 - Studeni 1996) daughter of Gertrude Abbey i John Thomas Brown
Charles Ernest Towers (Lipanj 1906 - okruglo 1990) son of Jane Elizabeth Abbey i Albert Ernest Towers
Henry Spencer (6 Travanj 1902 - 28 Kolovoz 1957) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Thomas Spencer (3 Srpanj 1904 - okruglo 1990) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Irene Spencer (26 Lipanj 1907 - 10 Srpanj 1996) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Doris Spencer (13 Kolovoz 1909 - 6 Listopad 2002) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Wilfred Spencer (13 Prosinac 1911 - 20 Lipanj 1995) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
David Spencer (9 Prosinac 1915 - 4 Rujan 2007) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Lilian Spencer (24 Prosinac 1916 - 1 Veljača 2002) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Roy Spencer (2 Veljača 1918 - 13 Lipanj 2005) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Charles Spencer (1919 - 1919) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Margaret Riddleston (Prosinac 1913 - okruglo 1990) daughter of Jesse Abbey i Henry Riddleston
Emily Abbey (Lipanj 1912 - okruglo 1990) daughter of George Abbey i Emily Frost
Marjorie Abbey (16 Srpanj 1914 - 26 Listopad 2012) daughter of George Abbey i Emily Frost
Noel A Broome (Lipanj 1919 - 1989) son of Mabel Abbey i Robert James Broome
Evelyn Jane Brown (1 Siječanj 1903 - Studeni 1996) daughter of Gertrude Abbey i John Thomas Brown
Charles Ernest Towers (Lipanj 1906 - okruglo 1990) son of Jane Elizabeth Abbey i Albert Ernest Towers
Henry Spencer (6 Travanj 1902 - 28 Kolovoz 1957) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Thomas Spencer (3 Srpanj 1904 - okruglo 1990) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Irene Spencer (26 Lipanj 1907 - 10 Srpanj 1996) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Doris Spencer (13 Kolovoz 1909 - 6 Listopad 2002) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Wilfred Spencer (13 Prosinac 1911 - 20 Lipanj 1995) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
David Spencer (9 Prosinac 1915 - 4 Rujan 2007) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Lilian Spencer (24 Prosinac 1916 - 1 Veljača 2002) daughter of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Roy Spencer (2 Veljača 1918 - 13 Lipanj 2005) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Charles Spencer (1919 - 1919) son of Alice Abbey i William Spencer
Margaret Riddleston (Prosinac 1913 - okruglo 1990) daughter of Jesse Abbey i Henry Riddleston
Emily Abbey (Lipanj 1912 - okruglo 1990) daughter of George Abbey i Emily Frost
Marjorie Abbey (16 Srpanj 1914 - 26 Listopad 2012) daughter of George Abbey i Emily Frost
Noel A Broome (Lipanj 1919 - 1989) son of Mabel Abbey i Robert James Broome
Eric R Tasker (1913 - 1988) son of Ellen Earl i Albert Tasker
Irene Tasker. ? (1918 - 1988) daughter of Ellen Earl i Albert Tasker

Generation 9
Jean Spencer (Prosinac 1927 - okruglo Siječanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Marina Spencer (Prosinac 1934 - Srpanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Joy Spencer daughter of Thomas Spencer i Ivy Brothwood
Alan Walter Smith son of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Sylvia Smith (21 Svibanj 1935 - 28 Rujan 2015) daughter of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Maureen Vann (11 Lipanj 1933 - 8 Ožujak 1941) daughter of Doris Spencer i Cecil Vann
Andy Kirkland son of Marjorie Abbey i Mr Kirkland
Barbara Kirkland daughter of Marjorie Abbey i Mr Kirkland
Anthony Noel son of Noel A Broome i Mrs Ruth Broome
Diana Rosemary Broome (Travanj 1948 - 2008) daughter of Noel A Broome i Mrs Ruth Broome
Jean Spencer (Prosinac 1927 - okruglo Siječanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Marina Spencer (Prosinac 1934 - Srpanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Joy Spencer daughter of Thomas Spencer i Ivy Brothwood
Alan Walter Smith son of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Sylvia Smith (21 Svibanj 1935 - 28 Rujan 2015) daughter of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Maureen Vann (11 Lipanj 1933 - 8 Ožujak 1941) daughter of Doris Spencer i Cecil Vann
Andy Kirkland son of Marjorie Abbey i Mr Kirkland
Barbara Kirkland daughter of Marjorie Abbey i Mr Kirkland
Anthony Noel son of Noel A Broome i Mrs Ruth Broome
Diana Rosemary Broome (Travanj 1948 - 2008) daughter of Noel A Broome i Mrs Ruth Broome

Generation 10
Sue Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Patricia Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Diana Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Carol Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Amanda Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Sarah Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Andrew Smith son of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Marie Bernadette O'Shea daughter of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Neil Anthony O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stephen John O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Dennis Patrick O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stillborn Boy O'Shea (6 Siječanj 1955 - 6 Siječanj 1955) son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Sue Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Patricia Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Diana Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Carol Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Amanda Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Sarah Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Andrew Smith son of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Marie Bernadette O'Shea daughter of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Neil Anthony O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stephen John O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Dennis Patrick O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stillborn Boy O'Shea (6 Siječanj 1955 - 6 Siječanj 1955) son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea

Generation 11
Rebecca Short daughter of Amanda Smith i Mr Short
Rosie Emma Peacock daughter of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Oliver Peacock son of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Willow Smith daughter of Andrew Smith i Kista Smith
Lisa Marie Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Emma Louise Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Richard Michael Whyman son of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Samuel Ryan O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Rebecca Lucy O'Shea daughter of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Conner William O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Rebecca Short daughter of Amanda Smith i Mr Short
Rosie Emma Peacock daughter of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Oliver Peacock son of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Willow Smith daughter of Andrew Smith i Kista Smith
Lisa Marie Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Emma Louise Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Richard Michael Whyman son of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Samuel Ryan O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Rebecca Lucy O'Shea daughter of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Conner William O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones

Generation 12
Niall Gregory Wain son of Lisa Marie Whyman i Gregory Wain
Archie James May son of Emma Louise Whyman i Philip May
Niall Gregory Wain son of Lisa Marie Whyman i Gregory Wain
Archie James May son of Emma Louise Whyman i Philip May


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