James Smith

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
James Smith (1831 - after 1911)

Generation 2
Rebecca Smith (1867 - 1950) daughter of James Smith and Hannah Abbey
Sarah Smith (1868 - about 1940) daughter of James Smith and Hannah Abbey
Emma Smith (1870 - about 1950) daughter of James Smith and Hannah Abbey
Charles Smith (1872 - about 1950) son of James Smith and Hannah Abbey

Generation 3
Ethel Smith (1889 - about 1970) daughter of Rebecca Smith and William Hobman
Laurence Earl (1887 - 1888) son of Sarah Smith and Charles Earl
Ellen Earl (1889 - 1965) daughter of Sarah Smith and Charles Earl
Alfred S Earl (1895) son of Sarah Smith and Charles Earl
Ruth Hannah Smith daughter of Charles Smith and Ruth Ann Matthews
Charles Smith (1902) son of Charles Smith and Ruth Ann Matthews

Generation 4
Eric R Tasker (1913 - 1988) son of Ellen Earl and Albert Tasker
Irene Tasker. ? (1918 - 1988) daughter of Ellen Earl and Albert Tasker


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