William Kirke

Generation number Type of billing

Descendancy list

Generation 1
William Kirke (19 Февраль 1685 - о 1754)

Generation 2
Dionysius Kirke (7 Ноябрь 1731 - о 1772) son of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Mary Kirke (10 Декабрь 1733 - о 1790) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Nathaniel Kirke (1 Декабрь 1735 - о 1795) son of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Sarah Kirke (12 Апрель 1737 - о 1816) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Alice Kirke (17 Февраль 1739 - 1807) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Ann Kirke (2 Апрель 1742 - о 1800) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Milicent Kirke (9 Сентябрь 1744 - о 1800) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
William Kirke (2 Июнь 1749 - о 1810) son of William Kirke and Jane Bryan
Jane Kirke (10 Ноябрь 1751 - о 1810) daughter of William Kirke and Jane Bryan

Generation 3
William Kirke (24 Сентябрь 1759 - о 1820) son of Dionysius Kirke and Mary Clarson
Sarah Kirke (26 Сентябрь 1762 - о 1820) daughter of Dionysius Kirke and Mary Clarson
Mary Kirke (25 Сентябрь 1765 - о 1830) daughter of Dionysius Kirke and Mary Clarson
Thomas Kirke (7 Май 1768 - о 1830) son of Dionysius Kirke and Mary Clarson
Henry Kirke (15 Май 1774 - о 1740) son of Nathaniel Kirke and Ann Lacey
William Spencer (Май 1764 - 16 Июнь 1833) son of Alice Kirke and William Spencer
Charles Spencer (26 Февраль 1766 - 12 Февраль 1802) son of Alice Kirke and William Spencer
Nathaniel Spencer (Апрель 1768 - о 1789) son of Alice Kirke and William Spencer
George Spencer (Март 1773 - 3 Июнь 1784) son of Alice Kirke and William Spencer
Edward Spencer (24 Март 1776 - Март 1858) son of Alice Kirke and William Spencer
Mary Spencer (Май 1778 - о 1840) daughter of Alice Kirke and William Spencer

Generation 4
William Spencer (9 Ноябрь 1788 - о 1840) son of William Spencer and Ann Ward
Ann Spencer (о 1793 - о 1860) daughter of William Spencer and Ann Ward
Matthais Spencer (6 Октябрь 1795 - о 1874) son of William Spencer and Ann Ward
George Spencer (о 1796 - о 1860) son of William Spencer and Ann Ward
Charles Spencer (31 Июль 1803 - до 1851) son of William Spencer and Ann Ward
Sarah Spencer (19 Август 1787 - о 1787) daughter of Charles Spencer and Sarah Haines
Charles Spencer (о 1789 - 18 Апрель 1790) son of Charles Spencer and Sarah Haines
Eleanor Spencer (22 Ноябрь 1795 - 1795) daughter of Charles Spencer and Sarah Haines
Charles Spencer (26 Октябрь 1800 - после 1861) son of Edward Spencer and Sarah Green
William Spencer (о 1801 - о 1870) son of Edward Spencer and Sarah Green
Henry Spencer (17 Март 1802 - 31 Декабрь 1879) son of Edward Spencer and Sarah Green
Job Spencer (о 1805 - до 1841) son of Edward Spencer and Sarah Green
Edward Spencer (1817 - 1891) son of Edward Spencer and Sarah Green

Generation 5
Mary Eleanor Spencer (Июль 1811 - о 1870) daughter of William Spencer and Sarah Spencer
Charlotte Spencer (11 Февраль 1825 - о 1900) daughter of William Spencer and Sarah Spencer
Mary Ann Spencer (о 1828 - 1874) daughter of Matthais Spencer and Martha Oram
Ann Oram Spencer (о 1831 - о 1880) daughter of Matthais Spencer and Martha Oram
Eliza Oram Spencer (о 1833 - о 1880) daughter of Matthais Spencer and Martha Oram
Elizabeth Spencer (о 1835 - до 1841) daughter of Matthais Spencer and Martha Oram
George Spencer (30 Ноябрь 1825 - о 1880) son of Charles Spencer and Martha Packwood
Matthais Spencer (о 1825 - о 1880) son of Charles Spencer and Martha Packwood
Charles Spencer (17 Апрель 1826 - до 1851) son of Charles Spencer and Martha Packwood
George Charles Spencer (20 Ноябрь 1825 - 1848) son of Charles Spencer and martha Spencer
Matthais Spencer (25 Декабрь 1825 - о 1880) son of Charles Spencer and martha Spencer
Edward Spencer (15 Февраль 1828 - о 1880) son of Charles Spencer and martha Spencer
Jane Spencer (о 1845 - о 1910) daughter of Charles Spencer and martha Spencer
Sarah Spencer (о 1847 - о 1900) daughter of Charles Spencer and martha Spencer
Charles Spencer (31 Июль 1821 - о 1890) son of William Spencer and Martha Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer (о 1826 - о 1890) daughter of William Spencer and Martha Spencer
Ann Spencer (о 1829 - о 1890) daughter of William Spencer and Martha Spencer
Sarah Spencer (о 1830 - о 1890) daughter of William Spencer and Martha Spencer
Martha Spencer (о 1833 - о 1900) daughter of William Spencer and Martha Spencer
Oliver Spencer (11 Август 1826 - 27 Март 1910) son of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Foster Spencer (1 Март 1829 - о 1914) son of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Henry Spencer (10 Июнь 1835 - о 1900) son of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Charlotte Spencer (11 Март 1838 - о 1900) daughter of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Job Spencer (1841 - Март 1910) son of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Sarah Ann Spencer (о 1847 - о 1900) daughter of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Lydia Spencer (17 Март 1850 - 9 Июнь 1850) daughter of Henry Spencer and Elizabeth Young
Robert E Spencer (1854) son of Edward Spencer and Caroline Dee
Harry T Spencer (1859) son of Edward Spencer and Caroline Dee
Albert W Spencer (1861) son of Edward Spencer and Caroline Dee

Generation 6
Ann Spencer (Сентябрь 1848 - о 1900) daughter of George Spencer and Harriet Biggs
Jane Spencer (о 1849 - о 1910) daughter of George Spencer and Harriet Biggs
Sarah Ann Spencer (о 1847 - о 1910) daughter of Charles Spencer and Sarah Spencer
Job Spencer (о 1848 - о 1910) son of Charles Spencer and Sarah Spencer
Sarah Ann Spencer (о 1849 - до 1851) daughter of George Charles Spencer and Louisa Spencer
William Herbert (о 1849 - о 1910) son of Oliver Spencer and Mary Herbert
Henry Spencer (о 1851 - 1852) son of Oliver Spencer and Mary Herbert
George Robinson (1851 - о 1920) son of Oliver Spencer and Phebe Robinson
Eliza Spencer (1853) daughter of Oliver Spencer and Mary Herbert
Kate Robinson (1863 - о 1940) daughter of Oliver Spencer and Phebe Robinson
Nathanial Robinson (1866 - о 1920) son of Oliver Spencer and Phebe Robinson
Thomas Spencer (6 Май 1852 - 18 Июнь 1927) son of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
George Spencer (17 Сентябрь 1854 - 17 Май 1857) son of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Lydia Spencer (26 Октябрь 1856 - 27 Август 1857) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Mary Ann Spencer (17 Июль 1858 - 27 Март 1859) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Elizabeth Spencer (5 Апрель 1860 - 6 Февраль 1936) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Charlotte Spencer (20 Декабрь 1862 - 15 Май 1880) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Jane Spencer (4 Май 1863 - 24 Апрель 1930) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Freeman Edward Spencer (17 Апрель 1866 - 6 Октябрь 1932) son of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Caroline Spencer (3 Май 1868 - о 1930) daughter of Foster Spencer and Harriet Gilliver
Eliza Spencer daughter of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer daughter of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Henry Spencer son of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Selina Spencer daughter of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Annie Spencer daughter of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Charles Spencer son of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer
Foster Spencer son of Job Spencer and Mrs Selina Spencer

Generation 7
Sarah Jane Wilson (1875 - о 1950) daughter of Eliza Spencer and John R Wilson
Henry Wilson (1880 - о 1950) son of Eliza Spencer and John R Wilson
Mary Ann Spencer (28 Декабрь 1875 - 28 Февраль 1969) daughter of Thomas Spencer and Catherine Bradshaw
Foster Spencer (24 Сентябрь 1877 - 25 Январь 1937) son of Thomas Spencer and Catherine Bradshaw
William Spencer (7 Февраль 1881 - 21 Декабрь 1931) son of Thomas Spencer and Catherine Bradshaw
Walter Spencer (22 Октябрь 1883 - 7 Сентябрь 1951) son of Thomas Spencer and Catherine Bradshaw
Margaret E Gilbert (о 1895 - о 1960) daughter of Jane Spencer and James Gilbert
John Gilbert (о 1911 - 19 Октябрь 1912) son of Jane Spencer and James Gilbert
Florence Spencer (о 1892 - о 1960) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer and Gertrude Spencer
Olga Spencer (о 1895 - о 1960) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer and Gertrude Spencer
Jane Elizabeth Spencer Harrison (о 1916 - 17 Июнь 1933) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer and Mistress Harrison
Maurice Thorpe (о 1896 - о 1960) son of Caroline Spencer and Arther Thorpe
Edgar Thorpe (о 1897 - о 1960) son of Caroline Spencer and Arther Thorpe

Generation 8
Ernest Harrison (8 Май 1895 - 4 Май 1917) son of Mary Ann Spencer and Walter Harrison
Sidney Harrison (9 Август 1897 - о 1950) son of Mary Ann Spencer and Walter Harrison
Ronald Harrison (20 Май 1900 - о 1960) son of Mary Ann Spencer and Walter Harrison
Kenneth Harrison (о 1909 - 10 Декабрь 2003) son of Mary Ann Spencer and Walter Harrison
Arther Spencer son of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Barbara Spencer daughter of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Muriel Spencer daughter of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Clifford Spencer (о 1923 - о 1954) son of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Lawrence Spencer (о 1925 - о 1970) son of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Howard Spencer (21 Июль 1932 - 26 Январь 2008) son of Foster Spencer and Jennie Kilsby
Henry Spencer (6 Апрель 1902 - 28 Август 1957) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Thomas Spencer (3 Июль 1904 - о 1990) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Irene Spencer (26 Июнь 1907 - 10 Июль 1996) daughter of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Doris Spencer (13 Август 1909 - 6 Октябрь 2002) daughter of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Wilfred Spencer (13 Декабрь 1911 - 20 Июнь 1995) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
David Spencer (9 Декабрь 1915 - 4 Сентябрь 2007) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Lilian Spencer (24 Декабрь 1916 - 1 Февраль 2002) daughter of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Roy Spencer (2 Февраль 1918 - 13 Июнь 2005) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Charles Spencer (1919 - 1919) son of William Spencer and Alice Abbey
Evelyn Spencer (о 1904 - 23 Сентябрь 1932) daughter of Walter Spencer and Evelyn Agnes Spencer
Iris Doreen Spencer (о 1920 - 20 Ноябрь 1940) daughter of Walter Spencer and Evelyn Agnes Spencer

Generation 9
Christopher Spencer son of Howard Spencer and Mary Rushin
Laura Spencer daughter of Howard Spencer and Mary Rushin
Jean Spencer (Декабрь 1927 - о Январь 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer and Winifred M Bowles
Marina Spencer (Декабрь 1934 - Июль 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer and Winifred M Bowles
Joy Spencer daughter of Thomas Spencer and Ivy Brothwood
Alan Walter Smith son of Irene Spencer and Walter Charles Smith
Sylvia Smith (21 Май 1935 - 28 Сентябрь 2015) daughter of Irene Spencer and Walter Charles Smith
Maureen Vann (11 Июнь 1933 - 8 Март 1941) daughter of Doris Spencer and Cecil Vann

Generation 10
Emily Spencer daughter of Christopher Spencer and Elizabeth Spencer
Michael Spencer son of Christopher Spencer and Elizabeth Spencer
James Spencer son of Christopher Spencer and Elizabeth Spencer
Sue Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer and Ernie Wrighton
Patricia Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer and Ernie Wrighton
Diana Tate daughter of Marina Spencer and Alan Tate
Carol Tate daughter of Marina Spencer and Alan Tate
Amanda Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith and Beryl Lee
Sarah Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith and Beryl Lee
Andrew Smith son of Alan Walter Smith and Beryl Lee
Marie Bernadette O'Shea daughter of Sylvia Smith and Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Neil Anthony O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith and Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stephen John O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith and Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Dennis Patrick O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith and Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stillborn Boy O'Shea (6 Январь 1955 - 6 Январь 1955) son of Sylvia Smith and Cornelius Columba O'Shea

Generation 11
Rebecca Short daughter of Amanda Smith and Mr Short
Rosie Emma Peacock daughter of Sarah Smith and Rick Peacock
Oliver Peacock son of Sarah Smith and Rick Peacock
Willow Smith daughter of Andrew Smith and Kista Smith
Lisa Marie Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea and Michael Thomas Whyman
Emma Louise Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea and Michael Thomas Whyman
Richard Michael Whyman son of Marie Bernadette O'Shea and Michael Thomas Whyman
Samuel Ryan O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea and Sally Lucy Jones
Rebecca Lucy O'Shea daughter of Stephen John O'Shea and Sally Lucy Jones
Conner William O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea and Sally Lucy Jones

Generation 12
Niall Gregory Wain son of Lisa Marie Whyman and Gregory Wain
Archie James May son of Emma Louise Whyman and Philip May


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