Ann Northerne

Generation number Type of billing

Descendancy list

Generation 1
Ann Northerne (okruglo 1600 - okruglo 1660)

Generation 2
Dionysius Kyrke (5 Siječanj 1621 - 1662) son of Ann Northerne i William Kirke
Ann Kirke (20 Veljača 1624 - okruglo 1680) daughter of Ann Northerne i William Kirke
Elizabeth Kirke (29 Siječanj 1631 - okruglo 1690) daughter of Ann Northerne i William Kirke

Generation 3
William Kirke (11 Lipanj 1652 - okruglo 1713) son of Dionysius Kyrke i Margarie Gellebrand
Ann Kirke (18 Listopad 1654 - okruglo 1710) daughter of Dionysius Kyrke i Margarie Gellebrand
Thomas Kirke (11 Lipanj 1662 - okruglo 1720) son of Dionysius Kyrke i Margarie Gellebrand

Generation 4
Dionisius Kirke (20 Kolovoz 1676 - okruglo 1716) son of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Ann Kirke (okruglo 1677 - 8 Prosinac 1735) daughter of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Male Kyrke (Listopad 1678 - okruglo 1678) son of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Barbara Kirke (16 Listopad 1683 - okruglo 1740) daughter of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Thomas Kirke (19 Veljača 1685 - okruglo 1750) son of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
William Kirke (19 Veljača 1685 - okruglo 1754) son of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Margery Kirke (24 Svibanj 1688 - okruglo 1695) daughter of William Kirke i Elizabeth Winbee
Alice Kirke (okruglo 1699 - okruglo 1760) daughter of William Kirke i Sarah Worth

Generation 5
William Kirke (okruglo 1706 - okruglo 1706) son of Dionisius Kirke i Alice Winterton
Thomas Kirke (9 Listopad 1709 - okruglo 1770) son of Dionisius Kirke i Alice Winterton
Sarah Kirke (9 Prosinac 1711 - okruglo 1770) daughter of Dionisius Kirke i Alice Winterton
Dionisius Kirke (4 Svibanj 1716 - okruglo 1780) son of Dionisius Kirke i Alice Winterton
William Kimberley (okruglo 1698 - okruglo 1723) son of Ann Kirke i John Kimberle
John Kimberley (okruglo 1701 - okruglo 1724) son of Ann Kirke i John Kimberle
Thomas Kimberley (okruglo 1703 - okruglo 1760) son of Ann Kirke i John Kimberle
Ann Kimberley (okruglo 1710 - okruglo 1770) daughter of Ann Kirke i John Kimberle
Mary Kimberley (okruglo 1728 - okruglo 1828) daughter of Ann Kirke i John Kimberle
Dionysius Kirke (7 Studeni 1731 - okruglo 1772) son of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Mary Kirke (10 Prosinac 1733 - okruglo 1790) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Nathaniel Kirke (1 Prosinac 1735 - okruglo 1795) son of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Sarah Kirke (12 Travanj 1737 - okruglo 1816) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Alice Kirke (17 Veljača 1739 - 1807) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Ann Kirke (2 Travanj 1742 - okruglo 1800) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Milicent Kirke (9 Rujan 1744 - okruglo 1800) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
William Kirke (2 Lipanj 1749 - okruglo 1810) son of William Kirke i Jane Bryan
Jane Kirke (10 Studeni 1751 - okruglo 1810) daughter of William Kirke i Jane Bryan

Generation 6
William Kirke (24 Rujan 1759 - okruglo 1820) son of Dionysius Kirke i Mary Clarson
Sarah Kirke (26 Rujan 1762 - okruglo 1820) daughter of Dionysius Kirke i Mary Clarson
Mary Kirke (25 Rujan 1765 - okruglo 1830) daughter of Dionysius Kirke i Mary Clarson
Thomas Kirke (7 Svibanj 1768 - okruglo 1830) son of Dionysius Kirke i Mary Clarson
Henry Kirke (15 Svibanj 1774 - okruglo 1740) son of Nathaniel Kirke i Ann Lacey
William Spencer (Svibanj 1764 - 16 Lipanj 1833) son of Alice Kirke i William Spencer
Charles Spencer (26 Veljača 1766 - 12 Veljača 1802) son of Alice Kirke i William Spencer
Nathaniel Spencer (Travanj 1768 - okruglo 1789) son of Alice Kirke i William Spencer
George Spencer (Ožujak 1773 - 3 Lipanj 1784) son of Alice Kirke i William Spencer
Edward Spencer (24 Ožujak 1776 - Ožujak 1858) son of Alice Kirke i William Spencer
Mary Spencer (Svibanj 1778 - okruglo 1840) daughter of Alice Kirke i William Spencer

Generation 7
William Spencer (9 Studeni 1788 - okruglo 1840) son of William Spencer i Ann Ward
Ann Spencer (okruglo 1793 - okruglo 1860) daughter of William Spencer i Ann Ward
Matthais Spencer (6 Listopad 1795 - okruglo 1874) son of William Spencer i Ann Ward
George Spencer (okruglo 1796 - okruglo 1860) son of William Spencer i Ann Ward
Charles Spencer (31 Srpanj 1803 - prije 1851) son of William Spencer i Ann Ward
Sarah Spencer (19 Kolovoz 1787 - okruglo 1787) daughter of Charles Spencer i Sarah Haines
Charles Spencer (okruglo 1789 - 18 Travanj 1790) son of Charles Spencer i Sarah Haines
Eleanor Spencer (22 Studeni 1795 - 1795) daughter of Charles Spencer i Sarah Haines
Charles Spencer (26 Listopad 1800 - poslije 1861) son of Edward Spencer i Sarah Green
William Spencer (okruglo 1801 - okruglo 1870) son of Edward Spencer i Sarah Green
Henry Spencer (17 Ožujak 1802 - 31 Prosinac 1879) son of Edward Spencer i Sarah Green
Job Spencer (okruglo 1805 - prije 1841) son of Edward Spencer i Sarah Green
Edward Spencer (1817 - 1891) son of Edward Spencer i Sarah Green

Generation 8
Mary Eleanor Spencer (Srpanj 1811 - okruglo 1870) daughter of William Spencer i Sarah Spencer
Charlotte Spencer (11 Veljača 1825 - okruglo 1900) daughter of William Spencer i Sarah Spencer
Mary Ann Spencer (okruglo 1828 - 1874) daughter of Matthais Spencer i Martha Oram
Ann Oram Spencer (okruglo 1831 - okruglo 1880) daughter of Matthais Spencer i Martha Oram
Eliza Oram Spencer (okruglo 1833 - okruglo 1880) daughter of Matthais Spencer i Martha Oram
Elizabeth Spencer (okruglo 1835 - prije 1841) daughter of Matthais Spencer i Martha Oram
George Spencer (30 Studeni 1825 - okruglo 1880) son of Charles Spencer i Martha Packwood
Matthais Spencer (okruglo 1825 - okruglo 1880) son of Charles Spencer i Martha Packwood
Charles Spencer (17 Travanj 1826 - prije 1851) son of Charles Spencer i Martha Packwood
George Charles Spencer (20 Studeni 1825 - 1848) son of Charles Spencer i martha Spencer
Matthais Spencer (25 Prosinac 1825 - okruglo 1880) son of Charles Spencer i martha Spencer
Edward Spencer (15 Veljača 1828 - okruglo 1880) son of Charles Spencer i martha Spencer
Jane Spencer (okruglo 1845 - okruglo 1910) daughter of Charles Spencer i martha Spencer
Sarah Spencer (okruglo 1847 - okruglo 1900) daughter of Charles Spencer i martha Spencer
Charles Spencer (31 Srpanj 1821 - okruglo 1890) son of William Spencer i Martha Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer (okruglo 1826 - okruglo 1890) daughter of William Spencer i Martha Spencer
Ann Spencer (okruglo 1829 - okruglo 1890) daughter of William Spencer i Martha Spencer
Sarah Spencer (okruglo 1830 - okruglo 1890) daughter of William Spencer i Martha Spencer
Martha Spencer (okruglo 1833 - okruglo 1900) daughter of William Spencer i Martha Spencer
Oliver Spencer (11 Kolovoz 1826 - 27 Ožujak 1910) son of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Foster Spencer (1 Ožujak 1829 - okruglo 1914) son of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Henry Spencer (10 Lipanj 1835 - okruglo 1900) son of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Charlotte Spencer (11 Ožujak 1838 - okruglo 1900) daughter of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Job Spencer (1841 - Ožujak 1910) son of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Sarah Ann Spencer (okruglo 1847 - okruglo 1900) daughter of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Lydia Spencer (17 Ožujak 1850 - 9 Lipanj 1850) daughter of Henry Spencer i Elizabeth Young
Robert E Spencer (1854) son of Edward Spencer i Caroline Dee
Harry T Spencer (1859) son of Edward Spencer i Caroline Dee
Albert W Spencer (1861) son of Edward Spencer i Caroline Dee

Generation 9
Ann Spencer (Rujan 1848 - okruglo 1900) daughter of George Spencer i Harriet Biggs
Jane Spencer (okruglo 1849 - okruglo 1910) daughter of George Spencer i Harriet Biggs
Sarah Ann Spencer (okruglo 1847 - okruglo 1910) daughter of Charles Spencer i Sarah Spencer
Job Spencer (okruglo 1848 - okruglo 1910) son of Charles Spencer i Sarah Spencer
Sarah Ann Spencer (okruglo 1849 - prije 1851) daughter of George Charles Spencer i Louisa Spencer
William Herbert (okruglo 1849 - okruglo 1910) son of Oliver Spencer i Mary Herbert
Henry Spencer (okruglo 1851 - 1852) son of Oliver Spencer i Mary Herbert
George Robinson (1851 - okruglo 1920) son of Oliver Spencer i Phebe Robinson
Eliza Spencer (1853) daughter of Oliver Spencer i Mary Herbert
Kate Robinson (1863 - okruglo 1940) daughter of Oliver Spencer i Phebe Robinson
Nathanial Robinson (1866 - okruglo 1920) son of Oliver Spencer i Phebe Robinson
Thomas Spencer (6 Svibanj 1852 - 18 Lipanj 1927) son of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
George Spencer (17 Rujan 1854 - 17 Svibanj 1857) son of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Lydia Spencer (26 Listopad 1856 - 27 Kolovoz 1857) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Mary Ann Spencer (17 Srpanj 1858 - 27 Ožujak 1859) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Elizabeth Spencer (5 Travanj 1860 - 6 Veljača 1936) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Charlotte Spencer (20 Prosinac 1862 - 15 Svibanj 1880) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Jane Spencer (4 Svibanj 1863 - 24 Travanj 1930) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Freeman Edward Spencer (17 Travanj 1866 - 6 Listopad 1932) son of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Caroline Spencer (3 Svibanj 1868 - okruglo 1930) daughter of Foster Spencer i Harriet Gilliver
Eliza Spencer daughter of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer daughter of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Henry Spencer son of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Selina Spencer daughter of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Annie Spencer daughter of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Charles Spencer son of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer
Foster Spencer son of Job Spencer i Mrs Selina Spencer

Generation 10
Sarah Jane Wilson (1875 - okruglo 1950) daughter of Eliza Spencer i John R Wilson
Henry Wilson (1880 - okruglo 1950) son of Eliza Spencer i John R Wilson
Mary Ann Spencer (28 Prosinac 1875 - 28 Veljača 1969) daughter of Thomas Spencer i Catherine Bradshaw
Foster Spencer (24 Rujan 1877 - 25 Siječanj 1937) son of Thomas Spencer i Catherine Bradshaw
William Spencer (7 Veljača 1881 - 21 Prosinac 1931) son of Thomas Spencer i Catherine Bradshaw
Walter Spencer (22 Listopad 1883 - 7 Rujan 1951) son of Thomas Spencer i Catherine Bradshaw
Margaret E Gilbert (okruglo 1895 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Jane Spencer i James Gilbert
John Gilbert (okruglo 1911 - 19 Listopad 1912) son of Jane Spencer i James Gilbert
Florence Spencer (okruglo 1892 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer i Gertrude Spencer
Olga Spencer (okruglo 1895 - okruglo 1960) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer i Gertrude Spencer
Jane Elizabeth Spencer Harrison (okruglo 1916 - 17 Lipanj 1933) daughter of Freeman Edward Spencer i Mistress Harrison
Maurice Thorpe (okruglo 1896 - okruglo 1960) son of Caroline Spencer i Arther Thorpe
Edgar Thorpe (okruglo 1897 - okruglo 1960) son of Caroline Spencer i Arther Thorpe

Generation 11
Ernest Harrison (8 Svibanj 1895 - 4 Svibanj 1917) son of Mary Ann Spencer i Walter Harrison
Sidney Harrison (9 Kolovoz 1897 - okruglo 1950) son of Mary Ann Spencer i Walter Harrison
Ronald Harrison (20 Svibanj 1900 - okruglo 1960) son of Mary Ann Spencer i Walter Harrison
Kenneth Harrison (okruglo 1909 - 10 Prosinac 2003) son of Mary Ann Spencer i Walter Harrison
Arther Spencer son of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Barbara Spencer daughter of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Muriel Spencer daughter of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Clifford Spencer (okruglo 1923 - okruglo 1954) son of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Lawrence Spencer (okruglo 1925 - okruglo 1970) son of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Howard Spencer (21 Srpanj 1932 - 26 Siječanj 2008) son of Foster Spencer i Jennie Kilsby
Henry Spencer (6 Travanj 1902 - 28 Kolovoz 1957) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Thomas Spencer (3 Srpanj 1904 - okruglo 1990) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Irene Spencer (26 Lipanj 1907 - 10 Srpanj 1996) daughter of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Doris Spencer (13 Kolovoz 1909 - 6 Listopad 2002) daughter of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Wilfred Spencer (13 Prosinac 1911 - 20 Lipanj 1995) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
David Spencer (9 Prosinac 1915 - 4 Rujan 2007) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Lilian Spencer (24 Prosinac 1916 - 1 Veljača 2002) daughter of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Roy Spencer (2 Veljača 1918 - 13 Lipanj 2005) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Charles Spencer (1919 - 1919) son of William Spencer i Alice Abbey
Evelyn Spencer (okruglo 1904 - 23 Rujan 1932) daughter of Walter Spencer i Evelyn Agnes Spencer
Iris Doreen Spencer (okruglo 1920 - 20 Studeni 1940) daughter of Walter Spencer i Evelyn Agnes Spencer

Generation 12
Christopher Spencer son of Howard Spencer i Mary Rushin
Laura Spencer daughter of Howard Spencer i Mary Rushin
Jean Spencer (Prosinac 1927 - okruglo Siječanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Marina Spencer (Prosinac 1934 - Srpanj 2002) daughter of Henry Spencer i Winifred M Bowles
Joy Spencer daughter of Thomas Spencer i Ivy Brothwood
Alan Walter Smith son of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Sylvia Smith (21 Svibanj 1935 - 28 Rujan 2015) daughter of Irene Spencer i Walter Charles Smith
Maureen Vann (11 Lipanj 1933 - 8 Ožujak 1941) daughter of Doris Spencer i Cecil Vann

Generation 13
Emily Spencer daughter of Christopher Spencer i Elizabeth Spencer
Michael Spencer son of Christopher Spencer i Elizabeth Spencer
James Spencer son of Christopher Spencer i Elizabeth Spencer
Sue Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Patricia Wrighton daughter of Jean Spencer i Ernie Wrighton
Diana Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Carol Tate daughter of Marina Spencer i Alan Tate
Amanda Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Sarah Smith daughter of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Andrew Smith son of Alan Walter Smith i Beryl Lee
Marie Bernadette O'Shea daughter of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Neil Anthony O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stephen John O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Dennis Patrick O'Shea son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea
Stillborn Boy O'Shea (6 Siječanj 1955 - 6 Siječanj 1955) son of Sylvia Smith i Cornelius Columba O'Shea

Generation 14
Rebecca Short daughter of Amanda Smith i Mr Short
Rosie Emma Peacock daughter of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Oliver Peacock son of Sarah Smith i Rick Peacock
Willow Smith daughter of Andrew Smith i Kista Smith
Lisa Marie Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Emma Louise Whyman daughter of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Richard Michael Whyman son of Marie Bernadette O'Shea i Michael Thomas Whyman
Samuel Ryan O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Rebecca Lucy O'Shea daughter of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones
Conner William O'Shea son of Stephen John O'Shea i Sally Lucy Jones

Generation 15
Niall Gregory Wain son of Lisa Marie Whyman i Gregory Wain
Archie James May son of Emma Louise Whyman i Philip May


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