Individual Genealogy Record of Alice Abbey

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ZanimanjeHosiery Machinist1901
Rođen/a26 Siječanj 1881Selby Yorks
Umro/la10 Ožujak 1964 at 83 years old25 Sanvey Lane Aylestone Leics.
GrobnicaOžujak 1964St John The Baptist Enderby Leics.

OtacHenry Moore Abbey (20 Travanj 1856 - 15 Svibanj 1926)
MajkaSarah Dodd (15 Listopad 1855 - 3 Ožujak 1947)

UnionWilliam Spencer (7 Veljača 1881 - 21 Prosinac 1931)
Sklop. brak2 Studeni 1901 at 20 years oldBelgrave Primitive Methodist Church
djeca Henry Spencer (6 Travanj 1902 - 28 Kolovoz 1957)
Thomas Spencer (3 Srpanj 1904 - okruglo 1990)
Irene Spencer (26 Lipanj 1907 - 10 Srpanj 1996)
Doris Spencer (13 Kolovoz 1909 - 6 Listopad 2002)
Wilfred Spencer (13 Prosinac 1911 - 20 Lipanj 1995)
David Spencer (9 Prosinac 1915 - 4 Rujan 2007)
Lilian Spencer (24 Prosinac 1916 - 1 Veljača 2002)
Roy Spencer (2 Veljača 1918 - 13 Lipanj 2005)
Charles Spencer (1919 - 1919)

UID 7E2272AC7FE8114C9CF7341F036C72024BC2
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 132 years old

Notes1998 Visited New Lane Selby Yorks.,Alice was Born there,but now a shopping centre.across the road old houses a united reform church,an old school. 1931 electol roll 25 Sanvey Lane No son Harry must have married 1932 william dead alice a Widow tom 28yrs/Irere 25/Wilf 21/David17/Lily 16/ Roy 14/Doris was wed 1931 1935 Alice and Wilf/1936 Alice /Wilfred /Walter and Irene Smith. Wonderful good person.Sylvia. 2 ADDR Selby
Rendell Rd
6 Corporation Street Enderby
25 Sanvey Lane Aylestone Leics.,


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