Individual Genealogy Record of John Kemplay

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First nameJohn
Last nameKemplay
Рождениео 1700Sherriff Hunton Yorks.
Смертьо 1760 at 60 years old


UnionJane Scot (о 1700 - о 1760)
Брак29 Июнь 1719 at 19 years oldParish ch., Sherriff Huton Yorks.
Child/Children Richard Kemplay (13 Ноябрь 1722 - о 1780)
Elizabeth Kemplay (27 Июль 1725 - о 1790)
Margaret Kemplay (8 Декабрь 1734 - о 1790)
Sarah Kemplay (3 Январь 1737 - 16 Июнь 1782)
Ann Kemplay (16 Август 1741 - 21 Август 1741)

UID 3355FF5793DF4B45A748FA6098BE07A92F99
Change18 Март 2013 at 313 years old

NotesWas John living elsewere 1726-33 or did jane die and he remarried. There is no burriel for Jane in Sherif hutton no kemiplay in Huntington 1680-1770 VARIANTS KEMPPELLER/KEMPLER no Kemplay in Huntington1680-1770 To check for birth death and family.


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