Individual Genealogy Record of John Young

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Geboortecirca 1588Enderby Leics.
Overlijdencirca 1679 aan 91 jaar oudEnderby Leics.

VaderWilliam Young (circa 1534 - circa 1600)
MoederGrace Young (circa 1540 - circa 1600)

UnieMarie Taylor (circa 1600 - circa 1660)
Huwelijkcirca 1627St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Kind(eren) Ann Young (11 november 1627 - circa 1690)
Kathryn Young (28 oktober 1628 - circa 1690)
Dorothy Young (28 januari 1630 - circa 1690)
Mary Young (11 november 1632 - circa 1690)
Helene Young (2 maart 1633 - circa 1690)
Thomas Young (10 mei 1633 - circa 1636)
John Young (circa 1639 - circa 1700)
Grace Young (1 augustus 1641 - 5 augustus 1641)
Elizabeth Young (17 september 1643 - 26 april 1645)

UID 820DF5CB4A76C44EBFA03E4DF8B0666B84FC
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 425 jaar oud

NotesParents Could be William and Grace Young wife could be mary taylor but john would be 40yrs a Thomas and Ann Young having children Elizabeth 1666 Who wed Joseph Vale 1682.Mary 1676. A Thomas Young Wed Eliza Wilmore 1680.


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