Individual Genealogy Record of Hannah Freer

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Rođen/aokruglo 1745
Umro/laCA 1812 at 67 years oldEnderby Leics.
Grobnica13 Ožujak 1812St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.


UnionEdward Spencer (2 Veljača 1741 - 18 Lipanj 1831)
Sklop. brak29 Prosinac 1774 at 29 years oldSt John the Baptist 's Enderby Leics.
djeca Mary Spencer (okruglo 1777 - okruglo 1840)
Hannah Spencer (okruglo 1782 - 10 Ožujak 1849)

UID 7DEA841016BFA54DA41A84BAC02B8354805D
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 268 years old

NotesTo check for birth


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