Individual Genealogy Record of Dorothy Young

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Geboorte4 maart 1611Earl Shilton Leics.
OverlijdenPRE 1657 aan 46 jaar oud

VaderRichard Young (circa 1575 - circa 1657)
MoederElizabeth Young (circa 1590 - circa 1657)

UnieMr Johnson (circa 1611 - 1657)
Huwelijkcirca 1635
Kind(eren) Alse Johnson (circa 1640)

UID 7A8ECA625FC33642BE93D4582CC457A2342C
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 402 jaar oud

Notesin fathers will to Alse Johnson his grandchild 40 shillings within 16 yrs also to alse a coverlid?that elizabeth willmore had in her keeping to be delivered when alse is 16yrs Earl Shilton Baptism Did Dorothy wed Johson?Not in Fathers will could have died.


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