Individual Genealogy Record of William Young

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Rođen/a2 Travanj 1617Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje2 Travanj 1617St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Umro/laPRE 1657 at 40 years old

OtacRichard Young (okruglo 1575 - okruglo 1657)
MajkaElizabeth Young (okruglo 1590 - okruglo 1657)

UID 3149C3CF8E20FD448DDCCD538F2D2BB52079
Obavljeno krštenje2 Travanj 1617 < 1 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 396 years old

NotesNot in fathers will must have died before Father.


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