Individual Genealogy Record of Stamford Bradshaw

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First nameStamford
Last nameBradshaw
�������������� 1813Enderby Leics.
Baptism21 ������ 1813St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
������� 1870 at 57 years old

FatherWilliam Bradshaw (� 1786 - ������ 1861)
MotherSusan Godfrey (� 1784 - 16 ������ 1861)

UID 30D53D1165DB484D89ACC5100028B4768498
Baptism21 ������ 1813 < 1 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Change18 ���� 2013 at 200 years old


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