Individual Genealogy Record of Millicent Bradshaw

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Pierwsze nazwiskoMillicent
Ostatnie nazwiskoBradshaw
Narodziny12 Kwiecień 1909Aylestone Leics.
Śmierć26 Marzec 1988 at 79 years oldWigston Lane Aylestone Leics

OjciecCharles Bradshaw (8 Marzec 1875 - 26 Listopad 1944)
MatkaMillicent Branston Brown (około 1877 - 13 Luty 1956)

UnionJack Keogh (około 1900 - około 1990)

UID 422FEB33410D6E429473C1C1ED05848713ED
Zmiana18 Marzec 2013 at 104 years old

NotesLived 21 Sanvey lane Sylvia Knew them all of her life Known as Milly Bradshaw even though she was married no Children Met Jack Keogh one night .I had missed the last bus and had walked home. Jack said ''You are in for it .Your Dad will kill you'' Jack was Irish descent


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