Individual Genealogy Record of William Broughton

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First nameWilliam
Last nameBroughton
ПрофессияFwk Worsted
Рождениео 1826Oadby Leics.
Смертьо 1900 at 74 years old


UnionMary Bradshaw (6 Январь 1826 - о 1890)
Брако 1850
Child/Children John Bradshaw (12 Апрель 1843 - о 1870)
Ann Bradshaw (о 1848 - о 1900)

UID BED1E3B468D30C408C34D6D2A68C3638B520
Change18 Март 2013 at 187 years old

NotesTo check for birth death wedding and family.Living Blaby


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