Individual Genealogy Record of John Gilliver

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Rođen/a17 Svibanj 1817Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje17 Svibanj 1817St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Umro/laokruglo 1880 at 63 years old

OtacThomas Gilliver (28 Prosinac 1794 - 14 Travanj 1859)
MajkaMary Ann Peach (30 Kolovoz 1796 - 27 Veljača 1853)

UnionAnn Mason (Studeni 1817 - 31 Prosinac 1849)
Sklop. brak11 Listopad 1839 at 22 years oldSt Johnthe Baptist' Enderby Leics
djeca Selina Gilliver (okruglo 1841 - okruglo 1910)
Amos Gilliver (okruglo 1844 - 26 Rujan 1912)
Zadock Gilliver (okruglo 1846 - 6 Siječanj 1919)
Leah Gilliver (11 Lipanj 1848 - okruglo 1910)
Mary Gilliver (5 Siječanj 1849 - 24 Ožujak 1850)

UnionEllen Brookes (okruglo 1826 - okruglo 1880)
Sklop. brak8 Kolovoz 1852 at 35 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
djeca John Gilliver (1852 - prije 1861)
Isaac Gilliver (okruglo 1853 - 17 Svibanj 1891)
George Gilliver (okruglo 1855 - 21 Travanj 1942)
William Gilliver (okruglo 1859 - okruglo 1920)
Thomas Gilliver (okruglo 1865 - okruglo 1930)
Lizzie Gilliver (okruglo 1867 - okruglo 1930)

UID 0AD0AF48D546064DA5A20F0B979F999E0D29
Obavljeno krštenje17 Svibanj 1817 < 1 years oldSt john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 196 years old

Notes1841 CENSUS ENDERBY LEICS.,JOHN 21YRS.Selina age5mths 1851 census 385/60William Mason age31FWK/Martha Mason age31/Child George Brother in law John33/Selina10/Amos7/Zaddock4/Leah3with the Biddles385/66 1861 censusJohn44/Eleanor35/Leah12/Isaac8/George5/Wil1 1871 census 63 High St John Gilliver age55/Ellen Gilliver age45/William Gilliver age12/Tom Gilliver age6/Lizzie Gilliver age3 TO check for death.
Susan York web site said there were 6 children 2 ADDR John Gilliver
1871 63 High St Enderby Leics
Burgess's yard


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