Individual Genealogy Record of Thomas Young

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Rođen/a17 Svibanj 1672Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje17 Svibanj 1672St John the Baptist's Ebnderby Leics.
Umro/laProsinac 1726 at 54 years oldEnderby Leics.
GrobnicaProsinac 1726St John the Baptist's Enderby Leics

OtacJohn Young (okruglo 1639 - okruglo 1700)
MajkaJane Young (okruglo 1650 - okruglo 1720)

UnionMary Lord (29 Prosinac 1672 - 5 Ožujak 1725)
Sklop. brak21 Siječanj 1695 at 23 years oldSt John the Baptist 's Enderby Leics.
djeca A Young (okruglo 1695 - okruglo 1695)
John Young (24 Listopad 1697 - poslije 1778)
Thomas Young (6 Siječanj 1699 - 7 Siječanj 1700)
Mary Young (13 Siječanj 1701 - okruglo 1741)
Thomas Young (21 Siječanj 1703 - Siječanj 1759)
Edward Young (26 Travanj 1709 - okruglo 1770)
Ann Young (11 Siječanj 1712 - 24 Travanj 1712)

UID 5F9512D0D2A6144994BC2B619939B83647EA
Obavljeno krštenje17 Svibanj 1672 < 1 years oldSt John the Baptist's Ebnderby Leics.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 341 years old

NotesA will dated 26.11.1726 Widower at death Inventry 1726.His purse and apparelŁ1/In the house 5 Irons 6 chairs 2 tables 1 locker 6 wooden ware and pewter.Ł2 10s/In the parlor 2 stocking frames ! bedstand 1 workbench 1 bolster and bedding set 1 set of curtains 1 cupboard 2 chests 2 boxes of linen 1 barrel Ł16 2s 6p/In the other parlor 2 bedstands 2 wall beds and bolster and bedding 10s/In the chamber of the house 1 bedstand and cheese1s 6p/In the pigg stye 1 pigg 6s/1 stockingframe in the occupation of John Youngof Enderby offorsaidŁ7Items not seen or forgotten 10s/In the close called the senn 2cows Ł6 10s/In the forest 2 calves Ł1 10s Hay Ł9 Total Ł39 16s/
Inthe will Son John the stocking frame son Thomas a cottage son and Daughter Edward and Mary The home were thomas senior was living at time of death.


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