Individual Genealogy Record of Cornelius Columba O'Shea

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ImeCornelius Columba
Rođen/a13 Kolovoz 1923Gearhies Bantry Co Cork Eire
Obavljeno krštenje14 Kolovoz 1923Durres Rc ch Co Cork Eire
Umro/la10 Siječanj 1986 at 63 years old150 Aylestone Dr Leicester
Grobnica15 Siječanj 1986Saffron Hill Cemetery Leicester


UnionSylvia Smith (21 Svibanj 1935 - 28 Rujan 2015)
Sklop. brak17 Ožujak 1954 at 31 years oldSt Edward's R C Aylestone Leicester
djeca Marie Bernadette O'Shea
Neil Anthony O'Shea
Stephen John O'Shea
Dennis Patrick O'Shea
Stillborn Boy O'Shea (6 Siječanj 1955 - 6 Siječanj 1955)

UID 9E4B7B23948A604CA08C01DBDC54F248C3C9
Obavljeno krštenje14 Kolovoz 1923 < 1 years oldDurres Rc ch Co Cork Eire
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 90 years old

NotesCon died at home at 3 o.clock Headstone Saffron Hill Cemetery and also in the ABBEY Bantry Co Cork Eire 62yrs Work in Eire Fishing /Farming /labouring in peat bogs/ Work in England removing anderson shelters/labouring for Laing/Painting+dec Rowed in a 8 boat when working in Cobh.Good shot when in army reserve Medal Accident as a child led to osteo myalitus operation in 1853recurred Leg amputated october 1984 after fall on rocks under Daleys After Fishing


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