Individual Genealogy Record of Freeman James Gilliver

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ImeFreeman James
Rođen/a9 Lipanj 1868Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje9 Lipanj 1868St John the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Umro/laokruglo 1930 at 62 years old

OtacJames Gilliver (okruglo 1826 - 5 Listopad 1890)
MajkaMary Headley (okruglo 1832 - 19 Veljača 1890)

UID 483E804406524B48963EC44592FABE3B971A
Obavljeno krštenje9 Lipanj 1868 < 1 years oldSt John the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 145 years old

Notes1871 CENSUS 35 HIGH ST.,ENDERBY LEICS,FREEMAN 2YRS. To check for death wedding and family.


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