Individual Genealogy Record of David Spencer

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Rođen/a9 Prosinac 19158 Corporation st Enderby Leics.
Umro/la4 Rujan 2007 at 92 years oldAnstey lane.leicester
Grobnica12 Rujan 2007saffron hill cemetery, leicester

OtacWilliam Spencer (7 Veljača 1881 - 21 Prosinac 1931)
MajkaAlice Abbey (26 Siječanj 1881 - 10 Ožujak 1964)

UnionEllen M Voss (okruglo 1919 - Ožujak 2009)
Sklop. brakProsinac Q 1938Leicester

UID D055D000F7108545B429BB68D5D8B40D34B8
Informacije o dokumentu
Informacije o datoteci : David Spencer.JPG
Format datoteke : JPG
Naziv : David Spencer
: N
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 98 years old

NotesCheck births of Children Rahael + Annette son David. WW2 InArmy worked for uncle harry wrigglestone husband of mothers sister jessie abbey .ww2 David was in the Grenadier Guards Mentioned in Dispatches Medals had Oakleaf Attachment.Captured but escaped after 2 weeks to check.


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