Individual Genealogy Record of William Spencer

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Rođen/aLipanj 1763Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenjeLipanj 1763St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Umro/laVeljača 1769 at 6 years oldEnderby Leics.
GrobnicaVeljača 1769St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.

OtacJoseph Spencer (1732 - 1797)
MajkaGrace Kinds (okruglo 1732 - 1809)

UID 9CB43D7C00B2F7438882EBA0800C0F779CBE
Obavljeno krštenjeLipanj 1763St john the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 250 years old


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