Individual Genealogy Record of Matthais Spencer

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Geboorte6 oktober 1795Enderby Leics.
Doop6 oktober 1795St John the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Overlijdencirca 1874 aan 79 jaar oud

VaderWilliam Spencer (mei 1764 - 16 juni 1833)
MoederAnn Ward (circa 1767 - na 1833)

UnieMartha Oram (circa 1795 - circa 1850)
Huwelijk20 januari 1827 aan 32 jaar oudSt John the Baptist 's Enderby Leics.
Kind(eren) Mary Ann Spencer (circa 1828 - 1874)
Ann Oram Spencer (circa 1831 - circa 1880)
Eliza Oram Spencer (circa 1833 - circa 1880)
Elizabeth Spencer (circa 1835 - voor 1841)

UID 50281DFE3B02884B905ABB62F2305DEA13DF
Doop6 oktober 1795 < 1 jaar oudSt John the Baptist's Enderby Leics.
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 218 jaar oud

Notes1841 Census Matthais age45/Martha age45/Mary O age 15/Ann O age10/Eliza O age5 366/72 1851 census Matthais age56Farmer of 44acres 1 lab.Thomas Storer, 1871 census 78yrs retired grazier will proved 1874Living inthe county of Leicester gentleman.All to Eliza Ann O Oram/ A sum of 10pounds to my daughter Ann Oram Taylor Will under 100pounds. To check for death.


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