Individual Genealogy Record of Thomas Spencer

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BeroepStone Quarryman.
Geboorte6 mei 1852Enderby Leics.
Doop6 mei 1852St John The Baptist, s Enderby Leics.
Overlijden18 juni 1927 aan 75 jaar oudJohn St, Enderby Leics.
Begrafenisjuni 1927Headstone.Enderby Leics.

VaderFoster Spencer (1 maart 1829 - circa 1914)
MoederHarriet Gilliver (21 augustus 1828 - november 1907)

UnieCatherine Bradshaw (24 maart 1856 - 21 februari 1940)
Huwelijk28 juni 1875 aan 23 jaar oudSt John the Baptist, s Enderby Leics
Kind(eren) Mary Ann Spencer (28 december 1875 - 28 februari 1969)
Foster Spencer (24 september 1877 - 25 januari 1937)
William Spencer (7 februari 1881 - 21 december 1931)
Walter Spencer (22 oktober 1883 - 7 september 1951)

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Doop6 mei 1852 < 1 jaar oudSt John The Baptist, s Enderby Leics.
Verandering18 maart 2013 aan 161 jaar oud

NotesStory in family.Thomas went to Wales to blow the top off a mountain.Done in the making of a reservoir to feed Birmingham.Thomas said the pipes put in to take the water too brum, you could drive a horse and cart through.Source Grandson Kenneth Harrison.Wife lived with him in Wales while he was working on project.eldest grandson Ernest Harrison born in wales.Ernest's father Walter and my Grandfather William Spencer cycled to Wales to visit. Source Kenneth again.Another story
from Ken.When a balloon was seen in the sky the people carring type ofcause ,Thomas said to Ken you will ride in one of those one day .The retort from grannie was '.Do'nt put idea's into his head he is daft enough has it is.'


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