Individual Genealogy Record of Foster Spencer

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Rođen/a24 Rujan 1877Enderby Leics.
Obavljeno krštenje24 Rujan 1877St John the Baptist, s Enderby Leics
Umro/la25 Siječanj 1937 at 60 years old59yrsEnderby Leics.
Grobnica29 Siječanj 1937St John the Baptist, s Enderby Leics

OtacThomas Spencer (6 Svibanj 1852 - 18 Lipanj 1927)
MajkaCatherine Bradshaw (24 Ožujak 1856 - 21 Veljača 1940)

UnionJennie Kilsby (okruglo 1895 - 8 Listopad 1932)
Sklop. brakokruglo 1920
djeca Arther Spencer
Barbara Spencer
Muriel Spencer
Clifford Spencer (okruglo 1923 - okruglo 1954)
Lawrence Spencer (okruglo 1925 - okruglo 1970)
Howard Spencer (21 Srpanj 1932 - 26 Siječanj 2008)

UID 6909422638F7DA47B1E69C49EE2D0C4C196B
Obavljeno krštenje24 Rujan 1877 < 1 years oldSt John the Baptist, s Enderby Leics
Izmjena18 Ožujak 2013 at 136 years old

Notes 2 ADDR Foster Spencer
12 John St Enderby Leics,


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