Amie Louise Wretham

Number of generations Type of display

Ancestry list

Generation 1
Amie Louise Wretham

Generation 2
Stephen Wretham father of Amie Louise Wretham
Caroline O'Shea mother of Amie Louise Wretham

Generation 3
Michael O'Shea (23 March 1930 - 26 June 2002) father of Caroline O'Shea
Margaret O'Shea mother of Caroline O'Shea

Generation 4
Patrick O'Shea (19 December 1892 - 1929) father of Michael O'Shea
Abina O'Leary (27 December 1897 - 7 January 1985) mother of Michael O'Shea

Generation 5
Dennis O'Shea (about 1846 - about 1900) father of Patrick O'Shea
Mary O'Conell (about 1852 - 1929) mother of Patrick O'Shea
Denis O'Leary (18 April 1874 - 1928) father of Abina O'Leary
Maria Sheehan (2 May 1871 - about 1936) mother of Abina O'Leary

Total of 11 people / 5 Generation (max=31)


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