Mary Agnes Donegan

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
Mary Agnes Donegan (15 July 1890 - 1927)

Generation 2
Margaret O'Shea daughter of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea
Cornelius O'Shea (25 September 1918 - 30 December 1985) son of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea
John Joseph O'Shea (about 1920 - about 1980) son of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea
Patrick Henry Meenan (24 September 1927 - 16 August 2001) son of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea
Cornelia O'Shea (1927 - 1990) daughter of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea
William O'Shea (1927 - 1990) son of Mary Agnes Donegan and Cornelius O'Shea

Generation 3
Alfred O'Shea son of Cornelius O'Shea and ?
Al O'Shea son of John Joseph O'Shea and ?
Maurya Meenan daughter of Patrick Henry Meenan and Shirley L Byron
Patricia Kelly Meenan daughter of Patrick Henry Meenan and Shirley L Byron
Michael J Meenan son of Patrick Henry Meenan and Shirley L Byron
Kevin P Meenan son of Patrick Henry Meenan and Shirley L Byron


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