John O'Shea

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
John O'Shea (1907 - 1983)

Generation 2
John P. O'Shea son of John O'Shea and Delia McNamara
Helena M. (Eileen) O'Shea daughter of John O'Shea and Delia McNamara
Teresa O'Shea daughter of John O'Shea and Delia McNamara
Delia Ann O'Shea (1943 - 1944) daughter of John O'Shea and Delia McNamara

Generation 3
Coleen O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?
Micheal O'Shea son of John P. O'Shea and ?
Eileen O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?
Brian O'Shea son of John P. O'Shea and ?
Mary Clare O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?
Brigid Sheehy Ryan daughter of Helena M. (Eileen) O'Shea and Thomas Sheehy
Maura Sheehy Ryan daughter of Helena M. (Eileen) O'Shea and Thomas Sheehy

Generation 4
Ryan Christopher Danzi son of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Laura Rose Danzi daughter of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Ashley Elizabeth Danzi daughter of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Jack O'Shea son of Micheal O'Shea and Angela Palmer
Brady O'Shea son of Micheal O'Shea and Angela Palmer
Connor Micheal ? son of Eileen O'Shea and ?
Micheal John ? son of Eileen O'Shea and ?
Tyler O'Shea son of Brian O'Shea and Magda Page
Thalia O'Shea daughter of Brian O'Shea and Magda Page
John Thomas Siano son of Maura Sheehy Ryan and John Siano
Helena Mary Siano daughter of Maura Sheehy Ryan and John Siano

Generation 5
Aubrey Danzi son of Ryan Christopher Danzi and Stacy ?


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