Daniel Murphy

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
Daniel Murphy (about 1865 - about 1960)

Generation 2
Katie Murphy (about 1892 - 1960) daughter of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Christopher Murphy (about 1897 - about 1980) son of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Patrick Murphy (about 1900 - 1958) son of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Annie Murphy (about 1900 - about 1980) daughter of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Daniel Murphy (about 1902 - about 1980) son of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Cornelius Murphy (about 1904 - about 1980) son of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan
Helena Murphy (about 1996 - about 1970) daughter of Daniel Murphy and Margaret Sheehan


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