John P. O'Shea

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
John P. O'Shea

Generation 2
Coleen O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?
Micheal O'Shea son of John P. O'Shea and ?
Eileen O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?
Brian O'Shea son of John P. O'Shea and ?
Mary Clare O'Shea daughter of John P. O'Shea and ?

Generation 3
Ryan Christopher Danzi son of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Laura Rose Danzi daughter of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Ashley Elizabeth Danzi daughter of Coleen O'Shea and ?
Jack O'Shea son of Micheal O'Shea and Angela Palmer
Brady O'Shea son of Micheal O'Shea and Angela Palmer
Connor Micheal ? son of Eileen O'Shea and ?
Micheal John ? son of Eileen O'Shea and ?
Tyler O'Shea son of Brian O'Shea and Magda Page
Thalia O'Shea daughter of Brian O'Shea and Magda Page

Generation 4
Aubrey Danzi son of Ryan Christopher Danzi and Stacy ?


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