John O'Shea

Number of generations Type of display

Descendancy list

Generation 1
John O'Shea (18 July 1922 - 25 November 2005)

Generation 2
John O'Shea son of John O'Shea and Eileen O'Driscoll
Patrick O'Shea (27 March 1953 - 6 April 1979) son of John O'Shea and Eileen O'Driscoll
Christine O'Shea (about 1954 - about 1999) daughter of John O'Shea and Eileen O'Driscoll
Shirley O'Shea (21 April 1957 - 2 November 1995) daughter of John O'Shea and Eileen O'Driscoll

Generation 3
Caroline O'Shea daughter of John O'Shea and Diane O'Shea
Patrick O'Shea son of John O'Shea and Diane O'Shea
Danielle O'Shea daughter of John O'Shea and Diane O'Shea


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