Individual Genealogy Record of ?

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BeroepFarmers wife
Geboortecirca 1830Eire.
Overlijdencirca 1890 aan 60 jaar oud


UnieTimothy O'Leary (circa 1830 - circa 1890)
Huwelijkcirca 1850Eire to check.
Kind(eren) Daniel O'Leary (circa 1850 - circa 1910)
Marie O'Leary (1860 - circa 1950)
Margaret O'Leary (1864 - 1956)

UID 0A45FA7A17DE41529AD683C4908F76CD64C9
Verandering26 februari 2017 aan 187 jaar oud

Notesname may be mary or margaret To check for birth death wedding and family.Could be impossible.


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